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Solus Christus

Lesezeit: < 1 Minute

a presentation by James White

The doctrine of Solus Christus (salvation in Christ alone) has been and continues to be contested by many, one of the most notable opponents being the Roman Catholic Church. While it is true that the reformers better understood Roman Catholic theology of their time, believers now must also deal with a more nuanced set of arguments. Rome never rests and neither can believers.

By creating distinctions between terms for worship, the Catholic Church has attempted to work around the obvious issue of idolatry. Roman Catholic doctrine uses these terms to justify worshiping and praying to Mary and the saints. Mary is regarded as another mediator even with the knowledge of Scripture’s obvious teaching of Christ as the only mediator between God and man. In response to such concerns and objections, the Catholic Church has invented elaborate explanations to defend the claim that this doctrine and others are incompatible with Scripture. Beyond that, Catholicism does not hold to Sola Scriptura, but rather Sola Ekklesia, the idea that the Catholic Church alone dictates what is regarded as Scripture and what that Scripture means.

In spite of Rome’s attempts to elevate Mary and the saints to validate their heretical doctrines and the secular world’s vehement opposition to the exclusivity of Christ as savior, Scripture shows why He alone can save. Only Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man. Only Christ gave himself up for sinners. Such opposition must drive Christians study Scripture and think carefully on the uniqueness of Christ. They must be ready to defend against these false claims. Believers must give clear testimony to Catholics and fight against the pressures of the secular world to abandon Solus Christus as foolishness and conform their thinking. 


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